Thursday, September 18, 2014

7 Simple Ways You can Change Someone's Day (In under one minute!)

Ever have one of those days where all you want to do is throw on some sweats, crawl back into bed, eat Chick-fil-a, and watch Netflix for the rest of the year?

I am thoroughly convinced we all do. Perfectly normal.

Last year during finals week, I was studying late at Jittery Joe's in Five Points. I had been cramming a semester's worth of Finance material all evening, and at 10:45pm, fatigue took its toll. The things I would do to curl up and sleep: endless. As I was losing the battle against my drooping eyelids, I recognized in agony that it was time for another coffee and comfort food. S.O.S.

However, my mood quickly changed after a rare occurrence at the counter. The barista took a good look at my appearance: extra large sweats, a stained t-shirt, a frazzled up-do (half resembling a bun, half resembling a pony), and red puffy eyes (no makeup. Sorry world). Yet instead of wincing or taking a secret Snapchat to send her friends, she smiled while handing me my Big Joe coffee and brownie. On the house. After calculating the Time Value of Money for six hours, that was the first smile I could manage all evening.

Changing someone's day is a simple, yet powerful gift to give. The good news? It's not hard. The great news? It might make your day too. Here's where to start:

1. Rewind history. Utilize Snail-Mail. 
When was the last time you received a handwritten letter? A postcard? Care package? Anything? Heads up: One of life's most thrilling moments is to open the mailbox and see a personalized message instead of a credit card bill. Anyone born into Generation X or earlier will absolutely light up. Grandparents might shed a tear of joy. All it takes is a simple note and a stamp.

2. Alert someone if there is food in their teeth. Politely. 
What is worse than having food stuck in your teeth? NO ONE TELLING YOU THERE IS FOOD STUCK IN YOUR TEETH. Slyly gesture the spot on your own tooth and wink if appropriate. (Do not wink if it would be creepy and advance the awkwardness.)

3. Dish out the compliments! 
The key: be genuine. Do not pull a Mean Girls "Oh, I love your bracelet" ...but I will bash on it the second you turn your back. That is not the point here. However, a truthful, "Oh I love those Toms!" will surely add some pep in the recipient's step.

4. Parking Services needs lovin' too. 
"Man, the parking ticket distributors won't let you get away with two minutes! I really appreciate the fine work they're doing." - Said absolutely no one ever. Receiving a parking ticket would oppose the entire theme of this post, right? Yes. But the reality is: there are some detested occupations out there, and someone has got to do them. Many profanities have been dedicated to Parking Service employees and workers of other messy jobs, which is exactly why they need to be shown more love. Instead of glaring down the next ticket distributor you see, try out a head nod and smile.

5. Spontaneous Post-It Notes trump Serious Post-It Notes
If you've already unleashed the Post-Its to write your grocery list, why not leave a funny Post-It for your roommate to find? A doodle, a note, or any kind of scribble will do the trick. Don't be afraid to get creative with the placement (Ex: the middle of the dreaded Organic Chemistry textbook to add some needed motivation).

6. Put away your phone, LISTEN, Engage, Ask a question. 
Society has become accustomed to carrying on multiple conversations at once. I am guilty of this myself. But are we really "listening" if we are in the midst of texting three people back while checking the latest emails on our laptops? Put aside the distractions for a minute and take interest in what is going on outside of your personal bubble.

7. Buy someone a coffee. Or a donut. Or a beer! Stranger, friend, neighbor, whoever. 
Three bucks can go a long way. Just three little bucks. THREE BUCKS! However, those three bucks can make a lasting impression - an impression that there are still good people in this busy, tech-crazed world. My "on the house" Big Joe coffee helped keep me keep sanity through my finance studies, and that is greater than three bucks could ever buy.

I challenge you to cross an item off this list. Who knows? You just might change someone's day.

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